"Welcome to the official site of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Diocese of Scranton. As proud members of the Eastern Lieutenancy, we invite you to explore upcoming events, support our mission, and help sustain the Holy Land’s legacy and future."
EOHSJ Scranton Events
Stay connected with upcoming events in the Diocese and Lieutenancy! Join us in supporting the Holy Land and strengthening our mission through meaningful gatherings.
The EOHSJ Scranton is proudly connected to the Eastern Lieutenancy, working together to support the Holy Land. Visit the Eastern Lieutenancy website for more.
EOHSJ Scranton Gallery
Explore the EOHSJ Scranton photo gallery to see highlights of our events, missions, and fellowship supporting the Holy Land.
Grand Master Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepluchre
Michael J. La Civita
Lieutenant Eastern Lieutenancy
Rev. Thomas Petro
Section Prior Diocese of Scranton
Brian C. Hallock
Section Delegate Diocese of Scranton
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